Incorporated in 1983 under the name Gospel Crusade of Canada, we have been issuing ministerial credentials in Canada for over 30 years. We are a recognized denomination in several provinces, enabling our ordained ministers to be registered for the purpose of solemnizing marriages.
Global Christian Ministry Forum (GCMF) Canada is a network of Christian leaders, ministries, and churches who share their gifting, calling, and resources with one another. We promote relational responsibility – which means honesty toward one another and personal integrity to the principles set out in scripture relating to leadership in the church.
Since its inception, GCMF Canada has done extensive mission work around the world which continues to be a large part of the organization today.
is to continually form, grow, and maintain a strong NETWORK of like-minded Christian leaders, ministries, and churches in Canada and in other nations, with purpose of effecting change in Canada and other nations with the Gospel of the Kingdom.
is to form, grow, and maintain a strong overseeing LEADERSHIP to spiritually guide ministers, ministries, and churches in exemplifying integrity with the Gospel of the Kingdom.
is to form, grow, and maintain an OFFICE to facilitate legal credentials for ministers promoting the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Global Christian Ministry Forum International (GCMF Int’l) is a spiritually focused overseeing international presbytery consisting of national leaders from around the world. The presbytery provides oversight and guidance to GCMF national leaders, working in partnership for the cause of Christ. The mission of Global Christian Ministry Forum International is to link with national Christian leaders and network with them to establish effective ministry organizations in various parts of the world, whereby pastors and Christian leaders can be locally equipped, inspired, and motivated for their unique ministry.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible authoritative Word of God.
We believe there is one God eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, in His vicarious and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension, and in His personal return to power and glory upon the earth.
We believe regeneration and conversion through faith in Jesus Christ is absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful humanity.
We believe water baptism is not a saving ordinance but is essential in obedience to the Gospel and should be administered by immersion.
We believe the gospel includes holiness of heart and life, healing of the body, and a definite personal experience with the Holy Spirit whereby the gifts of the Spirit become active in the life of the believer. This work of the Holy Spirit is for men, women, and children.
We believe in the present and future manifestation of God’s kingdom on the earth; in the present authority and ministry of the church, and in the future, under the rule and reign of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of believers at the end time and the judgement of all mankind; the just unto eternal life and the unjust into eternal damnation.
We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in the full function of the five-fold ministry which was given to perfect and equip the saints so they can enter into the work of their ministry, thereby edifying the whole body of Christ. (Eph. 4:11-13)
We believe both men and women may be called to function in church ministry without restriction due to gender. (Rom 16:1-15, Gal 3:26-28, Acts 2:17-18)
We believe in the sanctity of life.
We believe marriage is a holy sacrament ordained by God as a union of one man and one woman in covenant relationship. (Gen 1:27-28, 2:23-24, Mt. 19:4-6)
We believe there are other God-called fellowships, organizations and associations of which Global Christian Ministry Forum Canada is one of many.
The leadership of GCMF Canada includes the Apostolic Ministry Team which provides spiritual oversight, the Board of Directors which handles the legal aspects of our denomination, the District Coordinators who oversee the four districts in Canada, and the Area Representatives who connect with each GCMF member personally. The GCMF Canada Head Office handles the administration necessary to operate GCMF Canada and care for our members.
Administration & Accounting
Western Canada
Atlantic provinces
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick &
Quebec City
Newfoundland & Labrador
Estrie region of Quebec
Southwestern Ontario
First Nations, Quebec
Northern Ontario
Prince Edward Island
South Central Ontario
Ted is the President of GCMF Canada. His family has been with GCMF since 1985, beginning as missionaries to Central Africa. He is a part of the Apostolic Ministry Team, the Board of Directors, and serves as the Coordinator for Western Canada. Ted is the Vice President of GCMF International and is an associate Pastor at his home church, Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries. He works out of the GCMF Canada Head Office.

Ted McLean

Marg Gingrich
Marg has been with GCMF Canada from its inception in 1983, working alongside her husband Dave Gingrich. She currently serves on the Apostolic Ministry Team and the Board of Directors, is an Area Representative for Ontario, and hosts our annual Women's Retreat.

Karl de Vries
Karl is the Ontario Coordinator. He also serves on the Apostolic Ministry Team and the Board of Directors. He and his wife Margaret are the senior Pastors of New Hope Christian Center located in Dundas ON.

Larry Pennell
Larry is the Coordinator for the Atlantic provinces. He also serves on the Apostolic Ministry Team and the Board of Directors. He is the senior Pastor of New Life church in Yarmouth NS.

André Quesnel
André serves on the Apostolic Ministry Team and the Board of Directors. He is bilingual and handles the marriage licences of our Québec members. He and his wife Marianne are Pastors of Le Chemin-East Gâtineau.

Marianne Pinard-Quesnel
Marianne is the Area Representative for the Outaouais region. She and her husband, André, are pastors of Le Chemin-East Gâtineau. Marianne is bilingual.

Brou Atché
Brou is the Coordinator for the province of Québec and the Area Representative for Québec City and the surrounding area. He and his wife, Léocadie Atché, are the founders and pastors of the Centre Évangélique Rédemption Divine church in Québec City. He is also the head of the online Bible institute, Institut Chrétien du Ministère Biblique.

Charles Crane
Charles is the Area Representative for Newfoundland and Labrador. He and his wife, Shirley, are the founders of Global Prayer Ministries, teaching both locally and internationally on prayer and spiritual warfare.

Serge Fauteux
Serge is the Area Representative for the Estrie region of Québec. Serge and his wife, Carmelle, have been in ministry for several years. They pastor the Havre de Paix church, in Coaticook. Married for 40 years, Serge and Carmelle have 10 children and 17 grandchildren.

Wayne Flonders
Wayne is the Area Representative for Southwestern Ontario. He serves with several ministries, working with those who are homeless, in prison, or struggling with addictions. He also works full-time, on staff, with Teen Challenge in London, Ontario.

Roger Gingras
Roger is the Area Representative for First Nations Québec. He serves with several ministries in his own community. He is the founder of Gateway Missions, a Not for Profit Corporation, which supports Outreach Ministries throughout Québec and Ontario.

Mike Lemay
Mike is the Area Representative for Montréal. He and his wife, Toni, are the founders of Ministère International Nouvelle Génération.

Michael Marcotte
Michael is the Area Representative for Northern Ontario. He owns and operates a marketplace ministry business called Door to Door Ministers, and also works for Christian Horizons supporting developmentally challenged individuals.

Gregor Winton
Gregor is the Area Representative for South Central Ontario. He is the pastor of Walking On Water Ministries in Hamilton, Ontario. Having a heart for the homeless, children and youth, Gregor and his wife, Nancy, have been involved with street ministry for 18 years. He drives the Soup Van for the Salvation Army and has been involved with City Kidz for over 15 years.

Germaine Matte
Germaine is our part time Media person in the GCMF Canada head office. She also works part time as office assistant for Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries, Ted McLean's home church.

Luke McLellan
Luke works at the GCMF Canada head office, taking care of administration and accounting. He also serves with Ted McLean at his local church, Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries.
P.O. Box 142
Ontario, Canada
L9W 2Z5